this is the extended version of the summerhays family from a few posts back. this mama had her share of babysitting days with my brother and i. when my youngest brother as born, she was watching us until the little baby came...i spent SO may sleep over nights at her house, one in a HUGE tent in her back yard...there were planty of barbies play dates with ehr oldest daughter and i...and one funny memory of a pretend make up of birthdays to try to surprise achild for a party...i have so so so many childhood memories and quite a few of them include this family...i ♥ them very much!
this family called right quick and asked for a thanksgiving family was freezing and a lot of little ones...and only one melt down! thats a good shoot if you ask me! we also did a mini shoot with one of the siblings in this big family..cute cute kids with huge smiles equals a happy photographer!